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“DCSC Welcome A New Age Of Summit Forum For The Diabetes And Chronic Disease Management From The Big Data”

2015-07-24 10:09

          It showed by the latest statistics of National Health and Family Planning Commission that there are more than 260 million existing chronic disease patients in China.The burden caused by the chronic disease takes up nearly 70% of the total burden of the disease and the caused deaths takes up approximately 80% of the total death population. The health of Chinese people is gradually threatening by the chronic diseases which shows as the following aspects:the people aged from 35 to 65 gradually have the chronic disease,the incidence rate of overweight&obesity,dyslipidemia&fatty liver and hypertension continues to increase,increasingly younger patients.
         “The New Age of Summit Forum for The Diabetes and Chronic Disease Management from The Big Data” held in Shenzhen on June 26.How to use the big date to realize the effective management of the diabetes and other chronic diseases became the common concerned topic of many experts from health industry.

           Li Shen,the chairman of the host “China Institute For The Promotion Of Life And Health” said on the forum that the internet company need to embrace the traditional enterprise and the traditional industry need to welcome the internet company. Both of them should change the way of thinking. The present medical information is unsymmetrica and to some extent is also a monopoly industry which really need internet+healthcare thinking.l

           The president Yu Dongfang from the organizer “Shenzhen Waveguilder Optical Technology Inc” said WAVEGUIDER is building the large database of the diabetes and related chronic disease based on CGM dynamic blood glucose monitoring.In the next few years,along with the establishement of the models including the pathology data,clinical model and the analytical data of the social relations of millions of diabetes patients,we will be able to discover the risk of the major diseases,such as heart disease,hypertension,stroke,tumour and other serious diseases one year or longer in advance from the large database.The doctors are able to provide the accurate medical treatment and prescription according to our evaluated results from large data. That is the smart and wise healthcare in the future.

          Gao Sihua,the director of “ The Chinese and Western Diabetes Professional Committee” thought if we want to lighten the burden of the society,recover the patients or keep away from the diabetes,the early diagnosis,prevention and intervention is very important. As an endorine doctor,if i can detect the blood glucose change of the patients,it will be really good news for the diabetes patients and the group with the tendency of disease risk.

            Li Jie,the vice president from AsiaInFo China thought the industry meet the great opportunities,both the demanders and suppliers show positive factors.From the demander side, we firmly believe the accurate medical treatment is borned with the demands. People have the increasingly strong demand for the health as the improvement of the economic.From the supplier side,they make it possible in the technical and economic angle  including the following aspects: the common use of the wearable devices,the sharp reduction cost of the gene sequencing and it’s application  in the pharmaceutical technology,the marketing of the internet technology and big data.

          He proposed to construct the data center of the health management based on the internet,big data and cloud computing technology;use the integrated smart and wise health business deployment to realize the real health cloud management and “Internet+Health”;provide the individual complete health records as the core and build the accurate health medical services based on the detection in vitro and gene sequencing.

         The director Zhou from Shenzhen People’s Hospital put forward the concept:mobile service links the doctor and patient. He thought we can realize the data tracking,data acquisition and analysis(electronic medical record) by front-end hardware and software,the interaction and communication between doctor&patient,patient&patient,doctor&doctor by the middle-end,and from remote end hardware and software,we can make the online serve the offline,reconstruct the service for the serious relationship of doctor-patient and medical treatment,promote the brand new ecological state of patient-patient,doctor-patient and doctor-doctor by mobile technology, and eventually realize the optimization of medical resources.