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In-depth Understanding of World Diabetes Day, Let’s Fight Against Diabetes

2017-02-23 02:54

14th.Nov.2016 is the tenth World Diabetes Day. The theme of this year is “Focus on diabetes” which is different from the previous theme “Diabetes and healthy diet”. The starting point of theme has transferred from how do diabetes patients manage diseases to how do the whole society and the public face diabetes, which reflects the pessimistic development of diabetes on the one hand and emphasizes the important influence of social concern on diabetes prevention on the other hand.
  Waveguider took an active part in “Diabetes Education Club” of The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University and “National Diabetes Free Online Screening” with it’s continuous glucose monitoring system in response to World Diabetes Day.


A national survey conducted by the Chinese Medical Association in 2008 found that the prevalence rate of diabetes among people aged 20~40 has reached 6%, an increase of 3~4 times, compared with the prevalence of diabetes in the elderly population increased by only about 2 times. Therefore, the increasing prevalence of diabetes in young people is a problem that we must pay attention to. And, in general, the complication condition of young diabetic patients is more serious than that of elderly patients, which is also an important factor of premature death. If the glucose is not well controlled, chronic complications of diabetes will appear after 10~15 years. China has become the country with the largest number of people with diabetes, and it is crazily eroding our health and health care resources. How to deal with this problem with our prevention? Should we pay more attention to the complications of diabetes and seek solutions? Should we give more support to individuals, organizations and companies who are dedicated to the management of diabetes?  They are the questions worth thinking.